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Keto, Mediterranean, And Paleo – Which Is Better For Removing Belly Fat?

Many people of all genders tend to hold excess fat in their abdominal area.

This is something that countless people go on diet plans and exercise regimens to reduce each year, but which diet is actually best for getting rid of that stubborn fat? 

In this article, we’ll be reviewing the fat loss benefits (specifically relating to belly fat) of three popular weight loss diets: keto, Mediterranean, and paleo. By the end, you should have a clearer idea of which kind of diet will work best for your goals. 

The Keto Diet And Belly Fat Burn 

What Is Keto? 

Keto, or the ketogenic diet, has long been hailed as the answer to everyone’s fat loss struggles. It’s a diet that involves eating 80% fat, between 10% and 15% protein, and just 5% carbohydrates. 

The idea behind keto is to put your body in a state of ketosis, meaning your body begins to view fat as its primary source of energy rather than carbohydrates.

As a result, your body will burn fat for energy instead of carbs. 

Is Keto Effective For Removing Belly Fat?

Studies comparing keto to other weight loss diets have concluded that this diet does, indeed, result in more total fat loss as well as more trunk (abdominal) fat loss than a low-fat diet. 

Belly fat is one of the most stubborn areas of fat for the average person, so it makes sense that a diet that forces your body to primarily burn fat would be very effective for getting rid of both the subcutaneous and visceral fat that builds up around the belly. 

However, it’s important to note that doing keto incorrectly is unlikely to yield successful results.

For example, many people get excited about keto because they anticipate being able to eat bacon three times a day, but the reality is that to see good results and feel your best on keto, you need to be prioritizing sources of healthy fat such as salmon, avocado, nuts, seeds, olives, and eggs. 

Additionally, because keto is not a natural diet for humans, many people report side effects such as mood swings and tiredness.

There’s even something called ‘keto flu’, which may last up to a month and may include symptoms like headaches, nausea, constipation, and brain fog.

This is the result of your body struggling to adapt to such a different diet from what it’s used to. Some people have even reported a rash after starting keto, which is caused by inflammation. 

Belly Fat Loss And The Mediterranean Diet 

Keto, Mediterranean, And Paleo - Which Is Better For Removing Belly Fat?

What Is The Mediterranean Diet? 

Although we have been referring to this style of eating as a diet for the purposes of this article, it’s really more of a lifestyle. 

The Mediterranean diet refers to the kinds of foods typically eaten in the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Think Greece and Italy. 

Eating a Mediterranean diet involves consuming plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains and legumes.

A moderate amount of protein from fish, meat, and dairy is also included in this diet, although red meats, processed foods, and refined sugars are limited. 

When discussing the Mediterranean diet as a lifestyle rather than something exclusively focused on food choices, it also involves being active and incorporating food into social settings.

Will You Lose Belly Fat On The Mediterranean Diet? 

Because the Mediterranean diet is focused on consuming healthy and wholesome foods, many people find that transitioning to this kind of diet helps them to lose fat, including belly fat. 

Although carbohydrates have been demonized by diet culture for a long time, the Mediterranean diet’s focus on wholegrains, fruits, and vegetables ensures that most of the carbs consumed are beneficial because they provide fiber and slow-release energy. 

With that being said, the reason the Mediterranean ‘diet’ is not really considered a diet is because there’s no clear structure.

While the lack of strict rules and restrictions can definitely be a positive for many, it may also be unhelpful for those who struggle to eat intuitively and would like to lose weight. 

Basically, if you have a healthy and intuitive relationship with food already, the Mediterranean diet may help you to lose belly fat whilst still loving and enjoying food. However, it may not be effective for everyone. 

Losing Belly Fat With Paleo

Keto, Mediterranean, And Paleo - Which Is Better For Removing Belly Fat?

What Is The Paleo Diet? 

Similarly to keto, the paleo diet encourages the consumption of low-carb foods. There is more of a focus on protein and sources of natural fats. 

The name ‘paleo’ is short for ‘paleolithic’ because the diet is based around what our ancestors would have eaten before food was farmed and processed. 

A paleo diet consists of lean meats, vegetables, fruit, fish, seeds, and nuts. Foods like grains and legumes are limited because they would have been an uncommon food source before farming practices emerged.

Does Paleo Help Burn Belly Fat?

Paleo’s focus on lean meats makes muscle growth easier than diets like keto. Gaining muscle actually makes it easier to burn fat because it increases your resting metabolism. 

Because paleo also discourages the consumption of processed foods (similar to the Mediterranean diet in some ways) it might also help you to eliminate some of the major contributors to belly fat from your diet. 

Paleo might focus on protein and healthy fats, but it also doesn’t aim to be low-carb, meaning you can avoid some of the physical and mental side effects reported with keto. This will lead to more sustainable changes over time.

Final Thoughts 

If your aim is to get rid of as much belly fat as quickly as possible, keto may be the best choice for you.

However, be aware that keto is a drastic dietary change and can cause some unpleasant side effects, making it an unsustainable and restrictive choice for many. 

On the other hand, if you’d like to transition to a healthier diet and lose fat whilst building muscle over time, paleo is the better option since it encourages lean protein consumption in addition to healthy fats and fibrous carbohydrates.

The Mediterranean diet, despite its lack of structure, may also help you to lose belly fat because of its focus on nourishing, unprocessed foods.

It may be a better choice for anyone with a history of disordered eating since nothing is completely off-limits and it’s about making healthier lifestyle choices and feeling good rather than a body-focused diet plan.

This does, however, mean that you’re unlikely to see the same marked fat loss results on this diet compared to keto or paleo.