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The Whole Body Reset Reviews

As people begin to age, it becomes slightly harder to know what foods you should be eating and what exercises you should be doing.

Especially for those over 50, who are rarely targeted when it comes to dietary or exercise advice, however, that’s exactly where The Whole Body Reset book comes in.

Produced by the AARP (American Association of Retired Persons), this book aims to help provide people with some basic information on how they can eat healthier and what exercises they can do in order to stay healthy for longer. 

Of course, with any sort of diet and nutritional advice book, there is going to be a small amount of skepticism about the information it contains, and whether or not it is actually beneficial.

So, let’s take a look at this book, as well as some other reviews from people who have read the book, and you can decide for yourselves whether or not it is worth reading! 


The Whole Body Reset is entirely focused on trying to help those in their midlife slow, or even halt altogether, age-related weight gain. This is done with a plan which they claim will help to prevent muscle loss, shrink your belly fat, and ultimately help to extend your life further.

The book also takes a deeper look into why many of the diets and exercise regimes that were once recommended to people begin to fail as we approach midlife, and how even the simplest of changes to our lifestyle will be able to reverse the effects of ageing as we get older. 

Within the book, it is said to contain “six secrets”, as well as a whole score of recipes and exercises for you to complete, all of which will be able to aid in helping you to stay healthy.

It is worth noting that if you’re looking for a book that’s going to provide you with a strict regime filled with eating windows, diet phases, or calorie restrictions, then this book probably isn’t the one for you, as it aims to do away with this style of diet in favor of a much simpler and easier to follow layout. 

As well as being tested on 100 employees at AARP, The Whole Body Reset is also said to have been approved by a wide variety of doctors, fitness experts, and nutritionists at an international level, so you can trust the advice found inside with full confidence. 

Overall, it’s clear why The Whole Body Reset is a popular book for many people in their midlife, it claims helps to prevent and reverse some of the effects of ageing that so many people of that age suffer from, and with the book assuring people that their guide is both easy to understand follow, and free from the harsh constraints usually found in diets, then people will definitely be more likely to try it out. 


With 400 pages, the amount of content in The Whole Body Reset is quite high, and each section of the book is dedicated to providing you with more information and guides on how you can live healthier. 

The book begins with an introductory section, which aims to empathize with the reader and their experience with gaining weight and losing muscle as the begin to reach their midlife, from here, the book then begins to detail the different aspects of the “Whole Body Reset” plan, and how their techniques to eating are able to help you to combat the signature weight gain that comes with age. 

Also found throughout the content of the book is an insight on how the program is able to keep not only your body but your mind sharp too, how to find the correct food for to eat whilst out shopping at supermarkets, as well as a guide to what you can eat at each of your favorite restaurants to ensure that you’re staying healthy, all while still enjoying what you’re eating! 

Overall, the book’s content is incredibly helpful in explaining to people exactly what they should be eating, what they should try to avoid as much as possible, how to find the right food at the supermarket, as well as a guide to the exercises you should be doing in order to help retain muscle strength and to help lose weight. 

Many of the readers who reviewed the book stated that the contents were helpful, especially because it is written in a way that allows readers of any reading level to understand exactly what the book is trying to say, and it doesn’t try to complicate it with technical terms or jargon that would confuse most readers. 

The Whole Body Reset Reviews

Another great thing about the content of the book is that people report that it does actually work, which is certainly reassuring for those who are looking for a diet book that is actually going to help them to achieve their weight loss goals. 

There are some slight oversights when it comes to the content.

For example, one reviewer commented that whilst avocado is frequently mentioned as one of the recommended food items as a source of fiber, when it comes to trying to find the protein and fiber content of avocados in the chart included in the book, it simply isn’t present. 

Some people also commented that the instructions used when describing some of the exercise routines are also somewhat vague, and don’t necessarily make perfect sense, especially when trying to figure out exactly where each part of your body should be, and what it should be doing.

This is something that many people noted, and the consensus seems to be that they should have included diagrams in order to demonstrate exactly what they meant. 

In addition to these complaints, some people do feel that the information provided in the back is far from revolutionary, and that it’s just basic dietary and exercise advice that most people would probably be aware of to some extent.

This means that if you’re looking for a diet book that is going to provide an alternative to some of the methods you’ve already tried, then it might not be suitable for you. 

Despite some of the shortcomings of the content found throughout the book, it’s clear that The Whole Body Reset’s content has certainly had a positive impact on a majority of people who have read and reviewed it, so if you’re looking for a diet book that doesn’t discriminate and also isn’t too restrictive on what you can eat, then this book will definitely prove to be helpful. 

Structure And Organization

Whilst many of the people who have read and reviewed the book have complimented the content of the book, one of the downsides of the book is that the structure and organization of the book falter slightly, which leads to a lack of coherence when it comes to understanding the content. 

For example, one reviewer complained that the background information and documentation in the book are scattered throughout different sections in the book, which can make understanding it more difficult as opposed to if all of the information was simply present at the start of the book, and all of the guidance based on that information came after. 

This seemed to be a sentiment shared by many of the readers of this book, who found having to sort through different sections of information and guidance difficult, and ultimately made it difficult to figure out exactly what it is that you’re meant to do in order to succeed using this program. 

When it comes to evaluating the structure and organization of this book, it’s clear to see that many people struggled with the way in which it was laid out and sectioned.

Since this book is one for people who are 50+, this is a glaringly bad error, as it makes it much harder for older people who might already have issues with reading and comprehension! 

So, if you feel confident that you might be able to navigate through the slightly messy organization of this book, then you could certainly try out the program, just be ready to shift between sections in order to find out what you need to be doing. 

Final Thoughts

Overall then, many people find that The Whole Body Reset perhaps isn’t as much of a reset as they might initially think.

It doesn’t necessarily contain any new or revolutionary dietary or nutritional information that is going to help everyone manage to lose weight, especially since some reviewers even found that they gained weight because of all of the additional protein. 

However, it is a helpful guide to ensuring that you’re meeting the basic nutritional and exercise recommendations, which for most people is enough to shift those lingering few pounds, so as long as you can deal with the poor organization, this book might still prove useful to you!